
Richard Devine's "The Electronic Music Manuscript" loop and sample library available

devinemanuscript.jpgRichard Devine, who visited the studio in July 2007, has just released a loop and sample library with Sony Creative Software. The Electronic Music Manuscript includes recordings of a number of devices from the studio, including Bat Box II, the Soul Beacon, and several other radionic devices and shortwave radios. There is also a section of video shot and edited by Terry Golob of Aerostatic.

Singing plants...

Singing plants...: "

Make Pt0612
Vanessa writes in with another cool project involving plants and Arduino, made by -

The Singing Plant is an installation that lets the audience interact with a natural plant. When the plant is touched it gives feedback in the forms of sounds and light. The more people touch the it, the more enegetically it responds. The sound gains volume and the light in the room grows from dim to bright.

Peoples reactions become part of the installation. We have seen people pity the plant. We have seen people caress it. And we have seen people dance enthusiastically around it.

The purpose is not to provide answers, but to question established preceptions of the relationship between man, machine and nature.


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Twittering plants.

[Read this article]

(Via MAKE Magazine.)

Rock Music paper posted

The Rock Music paper that was presented at the Spark Festival this past February is now online in it's entirety.

Abstract: Millivolt level signals produced by certain rocks lend themselves to scientific, artistic and mythical interpretation. Empirical probing of these signals by an artist and an electrical engineer observed both linear and non-linear displays. Whether interpreted through the lens of science or panpsychism, the signals themselves provide an excellent template for sonic experimentation. Accumulated years of unstructured qualitative data indicate these tiny voltages originating in the core of the rock react to outside stimulus in a variety of perplexing ways. Creative application has therefore tended to produce unexpected and unexplained results.

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G. K. Chesterton Quote

“One of the deepest and strangest of all human moods is the mood which will suddenly strike us perhaps in a garden at night, or deep in sloping meadows, the feeling that every flower and leaf has just uttered something stupendously direct and important, and that we have by a prodigy of imbecility not heard or understood it. There is a certain poetic value, and that a genuine one, in this sense of having missed the full meaning of things. There is beauty, not only in wisdom, but in this dazed and dramatic ignorance.”

G. K. Chesterton

"Submitted by Chris Davies Hooker, one of Thayer H. Laurie's friends at the time of Thayer's death on March 7th, 2008; Thayer was 92 years young."

David Wexler


David Wexler, a filmmaker and culturally informed young man came by the studio for a visit. Friend Todd Thille had met David at the Amsterdam Film Experience last Fall and put us in contact. David is in the process of launching, a platform for mind-expanding media in the 21st century. His personal blog is at