Plants may be smarter than you think.

Wired Magazine posted this offering which Duncan sent to me. Boy, this is deja-vu all over again....This is the stuff that we've been working with for nearly a decade and finally some "legitimate" science is being done. We've dealt with the connection between sound and plants for years and have some interesting results logged. It's a difficult area to work in since so many outside influences determine the level of cooperation one can expect from a plant during the experiment process. Every now and then there is a "eureka moment" when everything seems to fall into place and we are able to duplicate some of the results obtained by other researchers in the field. It's nice to see that some well funded work may now get under way and you can rest assured that we will be watching the results with great interest.

So slide on up to the Wired site and read this fine article being sure to follow the links as well.