Gordon's blog

While we're on the subject of Brain Probing.....

Here is a nice article courtesy of the New Yorker describing the technology involved in the fMRI, a machine which monitors your brain and determines which areas respond to stimuli. This may be the next generation in "lie detection".

Macrophotography... Capturing Snowflakes

Duncan ran across this today and deemed it worthy of blog mention. I totally agree, especially now with winter coming we can refresh our memories of what snowflakes really look like. These photos are remarkable for both their definition and depth of field. This series nicked shamelessly from "maZm.com".

Ringing Rocks, Singing Rocks

The Museum of UnNatural Mystery offers a fine collecion of virtual exhibits nearly all worthy of mention but this one caught my eye. It seems that in Bucks County, Pa, there exists debris field of rocks, many of which "ring" musically when struck with a mallet. Listen to the short audio clips at the end of the article which demonstrate the range of these talented stones. Might be worth a trip to gather some audio samples eh, what? Could make an interesting mix for the VJ/DJ crowd. Look here for the stone exhibit and then follow the link box at the bottom to the main entrance and enjoy the rest of the "stuff". There is something for everyone!

The Anomalist ..... Online Treasure?

If you're a lover of good paranormal reporting, check this site frequently.  They describe their product as a "daily review of world news on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries".  In my humble opinion, they do that job admirably and provide their readers with a well balanced body of research as well.

Get the latest on space, UFO material, and general paranormal activity.

Here is an excellent resource for those interested in any or all of the above subjects. The site is operated by Emmy Award winning television producer, author, and journalist Linda Moulton Howe. She provides up to the minute reports and maintains an extensive archive of articles and stories. Portions of the site are available by subscription only but there is plenty of free reading to be enjoyed and the more serious researcher will find the small price of the subscription a bargain.