Gordon's blog

Crop Circle Research -- Lots of Material to Peruse

Visit Nancy Talbot's excellent site specializing in crop circles, plant abnormalities, magnetic phenomena and tons of other interesting material. Check out her eyewitness reports section for photo anomalies .

Odd Music? Yup, Odd Music

I found this site quite by accident the other day. This a delightful site with lots of eye and ear candy. If it can be plucked, blown, struck, or otherwise coaxed to produce music, it's probably here. They don't call it odd music for nothing. These instruments are nicely showcased and some have audio clips to enjoy. This is a great place to visit when you find yourself with a few minutes to spare.

Miya Masaoka ... Electronic Sound Performance Artist with a Flair

Plants, Insects, Naked People ... Just about everything provides sound for this artist .

A Virtual Visit to the Musee Patamecanique

We stood in the dimly lit hallway of a Bristol, Rhode Island museum. Six of us as I recall stood and chatted in that tiny room awaiting our host and museum curator, Neil Salley. He entered, accompanied by a tray filled with glasses of cream sherry, most welcome on a cold winter night. From that point on, Neil could only be described as animated as he regaled us with stories of times past and gave clues of what was to be found inside. Dressed in hat, bow tie, and coat, he reminded me of a circus barker as he drew us into his web of make believe. Finally, with a flourish, he spun around and led us into his Musee Patamecanique. Join us here for your own tour.