Duncan Laurie
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Born December 7. 1947, Detroit, Michigan.
M.F.A., B.F.A. Sculpture. University of Pennsylvania, 1970 - 1973.B. A., Art & Literature of the 20th Century, University of Pennsylvania.
1986 to Present - Exploring and writing about semiotics and the relationship of subtle energy technology (psychotronic and radionic) to art; devising sonic plant and mineral communication experiments for artistic presentation (with Gordon Salisbury and others).
1978 to 2002 - See Architectural Glass resume
1987 to 1993 - Virtual State Bureau and Archives: Founder: non-profit foundation, with Aymon de Sales and Richard J. Reynolds III. Grants to alternative arts & sciences.1981 to 1982 - VISIONARY PRODUCTIONS INC 21 West 86th Street, New York, NY
1968 to 1973 - Founder and Designer, Star Buckle Company, Spinnerstown. Pa. Star Buckles were marketed throughout the world and continue to surface in the media in interesting contexts.
( 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 ,1999 , 1998 , 1995 , 1994 , 1993 , 1992 , 1991 , 1990 ,
1989 , 1988 , 1987 , 1986 , 1985 , 1984 , 1983 , 1982 , 1981 , 1980 )
Book: "Art & Radionics" (work in progress) Includes a history of radionics, powerful new developments in ecological radionics, and serves as a manual for artists on how to design and use radionic technology.
Presentation: "A Non-linear Approach to the Study of Stone Artifacts and Sites", New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), Ascutny, VT
Video Vignette: "Rock Music". Using rock electricity to provide a baseline for musical composition.Advisor to Neil Salley, AKA "Hans Spinnerman", RISD Media Lab, Class of 2006
Video Vignette: "Rock Signals". How a piece of sedimentary stone produces one half volts of electricity, often demonstrating a powerful signal in the 7-8Hz region with harmonics.
Book: "Outlaw Technology" (pending publication) Focuses on a discussion with Lockheed Martin semiotitian and engineer, Dr. John Norseen. Topics include: The semiotic function of radionic technology; The Norseen Semiotic theory, Peircean Semiotics, Our brain on semiotics, and much more.Article: "Rock Music", Duncan Laurie, New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), Summer 2005, pp 3-17 Explores the historical antecedents of rock electricity, its source in nature, and to the study of semiotics. (link)
Presentation: "The Forbidden Science of Radionics", hosted by Richard Metzger of The Disinformation Co: Graduate Center, CUNY. NYC, NY. PowerPoint lecture featuring the historical discussion of radionic technology; its methodology and its application to art, both past and present. (link)
Presentation: "Sonic Semiotics and Shamanic Radionics". META 2005 Artists Retreat. PowerPoint and video vignettes describing the difference between Art as Information (IKI) vs. Art as Energy (IKE). (link)Sonic Musical Score: "Mother's Little Helpers". Written and directed by Stephen Geller. Small voltages extracted from totems of several Orisha deities were translated into soundscapes with an Orville Harmonizer. The sounds signal the advent of the "Spirit of Nature" emerging in the plot.
CD: "Induction Furnace", Musika Radionica; distributed by Fake Science. Sonic renditions produced by various sensors in the Laurie laboratory respond to various environmental sounds; includes a heterodyned shortwave sonic mix.
Video blog:: "Masahiro Goes to Jamestown", Masahiro Kahata & Remy Chevalier visit Duncan Laurie, Big Igloo News, Remy ChevalierVisiting Critic: Rhode Island School of Design Media Lab, with Raphael Attias.
Presentation: "Abakus 2.0 Creation Concepts", The Terpsichore Group, Los Angeles, CA. With: John Lario AKA Mobius 8, Kadet, Christina Mcphee, D. Jean Hester, Sariah Storm, Andres Octavio, Sherlock SnAmii and others.
Pro Sessions Sound and Loop Library CD, Vol.22: "Sounds of Unseen Worlds", with Steve Nalepa. M-Audio and Apple Garage Band. Loops made from all types of ultra-sound and Laurie sensor design mixed and matched by Steve Nalepa (DJ Sherlock).Presentation: "Radionics and Art". The Invisible College, Los Angles, Ca. Invitational. Historical use of radionic technology and application to art.
Presentation: "Sonic Art from Biosensors". Offices, M-Audio 5795 Martin Rd. Irwindale, CA. 91706 Design and construction of sensors and sound sources for M-Audio Loop Library, "Sounds of Unseen Worlds" with Steve Nalepa. . [Link to sound cuts]
Presentation: "Laurie Plant & Biosensor Work". Private presentation at the laboratory of Cleve Backster, San Diego, CA, author of "Primary Perception, Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells", White Rose Millennium Press, 2003. An afternoon with the master of bio-communications.Video Vignette: "Visiting the Life Energy in Celery". Harvesting celery hooked up to a Wheatstone bridge device at Biodynamic Bay View Farm in Machaisport, ME reveals a sonic representation of the life force.
Video Vignette: "Plant to Rock Semiotics with John Norseen". Lockheed Martin semiotitian John Norseen visits the Laurie sonic laboratory to demonstrate plant to rock communications and their relationship to zero point energy. (link)
Article: "Ancient Origins of the Newport Tower", NPT Communications, Newport, R.I. Photographs by Jim Egan
Video Vignette: "A Sonic Painting". An ultra sound detector and the rhythms of the Purr Generator are combined with abstract imagery to produce a sonic painting. (link)Presentation: "Outlaw Technology in Art". META 2003 Artists Retreat, PowerPoint presentation; Invitational. Brief history of outlaw technology and its relationship to art. (link)
Invention (with Gordon Salisbury): "The Purr Generator". The Purr Generator is the world's first self-operated sonic radionic device, based upon the healing frequencies of the cat's purr. The Purr Generator can be used for self-healing, stress management and as a psych-acoustic sonic art tool. It is currently incorporated into the Bradford Genesis psychotronic device.
Book and Video: "Disinformation: The Interviews", by Richard Metzger, The Disinformation Company Ltd, 163 Third Avenue, Suite 108, NY, NY 10003. Contains Richard Metzger’s interview with Duncan Laurie at his Jamestown, RI studio.Wearable Art Device: "Radionic Socks". Ozone Design Inc.,
224 W 29th St, NY, NY 10001, Two dimensional radionic circuits incorporated into socks with radionic tattoos allow the wearer to perform radionic operations with applied intent.
Sonic Art Device: "Fungal Sensors as Painting". Live mushroom spores are incorporated into orgone blanket design. The spores are soaked into heavy pieces of felt separated by wire mesh screen. Two unconnected screens are wired to an audio synthesizer to produce sound. The felt and mesh "blanket" is incorporated into a glass and wood frame and hung as a picture. (link to images)
Sonic Art Device: "Bio-sensors in a Tuned Cavity". Felt impregnated with fungal spores separated by wired screen mesh is inserted into hot wax poured into a human skull. The wires are attached to synthesizers for sonic output. Other such devices with cow, deer and rodent skulls also tested. (link to images)Radio Show: Mike Luster plays for the first time on the air, two plants and two fungi interpreting Boo Zoo Chavez's "Paper In My Shoe" in his show "Creole Statement: Music and Expressions of Louisiana Folk Life"; AmericanaRama KEDM 90.3 FM , Monroe, LA. 71201, 5/25/02
Presentation: "The Art of Duncan Laurie", META Artists Retreat, Black Mountain, NC. Invitational. Slide Show by the artist.Group Show: "Gaia Dialogues", Rhode Island Foundation Gallery group show includes a video presentation of Duncan Laurie's plant work by Maria Scaglione and an instillation of Laurie's sonic rock and fungal sensors.
Article: "The Radiant Landscape", Duncan Laurie, New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), Winter 2000, Explores the energetic design of ancient rock art in relationship to the subtle forces of nature. (link)
Article: "The Role of Eidetic Image in Art & Borderland Science", Duncan Laurie, The Journal of Borderland Research, Annual for 2001, Vol. LVII, pp 93-97 The spontaneous emergence of photographic like images in the mind. (link)1999
Presentation (available on video): "An Inward Turning of Psychotronics", USPA Conference, Dayton, Ohio
Presentation and Article (available on video): "Acoustical Sculpture in Conjugate Space", USPA Conference, Dayton, Ohio
Group Show: "Secret Spaces of Childhood", Edsel Ford House, Grosse Pointe Shores, MICD: "Shortwave Compositions: Duncan Laurie and Friends" Musika Radionica. Short wave sounds and beats combined with music, voice, sound and each other, with Daffi, Daniel Galliduani, and Steve Cerilli. (link to sound cuts)
Article: "The Sound of Music", by Natalie Gimon, photographs by Duncan Laurie, Flaunt Magazine, October 1999, pp 52-56 (link)
Group Show: "Soma Katoligon: Degrees of Embodiment - Art and Mind Physics", with Paul Laffoly, Boston Visionary Cell at the Federal Reserve Bank, Boston, MA, Guest Panelist.
Group Show: "Waterspout". Wind Sea Sky 1998, Project One, Public Art Newport, RI. Metal spray, copper, steel, & brass on fiberboard 4'x8' sheet, oxydized and patinaed for extended outdoor display. (link to image)One Man Show: "Before the Deluge", Island Arts, Newport, RI. Glass sculpture, Cyberglyphs and Radionic Devices.
Installation: "Cyberglyphs", Basta Pasta Restaurant, NY, NY
Group Show: "Lamproniere: Art and the Lucid Dream", Boston Visionary Cell at the Federal Reserve Bank, Boston, MA,
1993Group show: "The Circle of Fire: Men's Sacred Arts Festival", Newport, RI.
Video Project: "Psychotronics" (an excerpt), with Daffi, for aTV Publications Video artist Daffi Nathanson's return look at the Laurie sonic lab and artwork in Long Island City, NY.
Article: "Celestial Cyberglyphics", Borderlands Science MagazineLecture and Article (available on video): "Some Thoughts on... The Language, Art and Music of the Virtual State", Duncan Laurie, Journal of the United States Psychotronics Association, 1991, pp 26-31 (link)
Video Project: "Jerry Vassilados", with Daffi, Empire Studios, NY, NY. A visit to the enigmatic author, composer and video producers home in Staten Island, NY.
Radionic Art Device: "Cyberglyphs". A series of radionically designed circuits and images are constructed and printed on circuit boards and framed as two dimensional radionic devices/artworks. Other circuits are transferred or drawn onto paper and combined with Anazazi petroglyph rubbings made by the artist in Arizona and New Mexico in 1990. (link to images)
1989Presentation: "Psychotronics and the Arts". New York City Chapter of United States Psychotronics Association (USPA)
Presentation: "Closing Comments". USPA Cosnigate Exposed Conference (link)
Presentation & Article: "The Language, Art and Music of the Virtual State", United States Psychotronics Association (USPA)Video Project: "Dr. Andre Puharich", with Daffi, Empire Studios, NY, NY Interview with the late inventor, researcher and visionary scientists often labeled ‘The Founder of American Psychic Warfare" in his home at the RJ Reynolds III estate, Devotion, in western North Carolina.
Video project: "Psychedelic Psychotronics". Documentary on the "Music Machine" with Duncan Laurie, Avant Trod Ltd by Daffi Nathanson. Daffi merges metaphors, overlaying Laurie's rap on psychotronics and art with a psychedelic video aesthetic.
Presentation: "Report on the Betar/Cotyledon and Applications", United States Psychotronics Association (USPA)Presentation and Article (available on video): "Virtual State Art? The World of Psychotronics", Duncan Laurie, Journal of the United States Psychotronics Association, November 1988, pp 31-39, Vol. 1, No.1
Video Project: "Ira Bauer", Virtual State Productions, Orgonomic scientist with expertise in weather engineering and the Reich Blood Test.
Video Project: "Dr. Harold Aspen", with Jane Morgan, Virtual State Productions, NY, NY Interview with British physicist and top theorist in alternative energy.
Video Project: "Scott Strachen", with Jane Morgan, Virtual State Productions, NY, NY. Scottish Inventor of alternative energy technology.Presentation and Article (available on video): "An Inward Turning of Psychotronics", USPA Conference, Dayton, Ohio
Screen play: "Virtual State", with Lawrence Catlett
Wearable Art Device: "Radionic T-Shirt". Virtual State Bureau and Archives, Long Island City, N.Y. A Hieronymous radionic circuit is incorporated into a two dimensional radionics device and printed onto a t-shirt. (link to images)
1987Exhibition/One Man Show: "From Coba to Tulum" Edelweiss Gallery NY, NY. Glass paintings from Latin America (link to image)
Video project: "Chris Haile and the 14th Street Artists". A visit to the magical world of Chris Haile in the abandoned 19th C. residence he and various other artists squatted and redesigned in 1980's Lower East Side New York.
Video project: "Installation of the Betar" Radionics pioneer Peter Kelly, on a grant from philanthropist R.J. Reynolds III, delivers and installs his first radionic "Betar Music Machine" to Duncan Laurie's studio in Long Island City, N.Y. Virtual State Bureau & Archives, LICNY1986
Presentation: "Art and Psychotronics; an Exploration of the Application of Gravity Field Technology to Fine Arts", Paper delivered at Earth House, East Millstone, NJ.
Video Project: "Jim Murray: Alternative Generator and Motor Design", Virtual State Bureau & Archives, LICNY Alternative energy inventor Jim Murray describes his technology.
Special Studies: "InterDimensional Sciences: Radionics and Psychotronics". Tutorial, Lakemont, GA with Peter Kelly
1985Article: "Art and Genitality", Offshoots of Orgonomy magazine, NYC, (Winter) pp 15-26 A consideration of the relationship between art and what Wilhelm Reich called ‘genitality'. (link)
Group Show: Light Gallery, NYC: "Halley's Comet Show". ", Photo of work, "Halley's Comet Over Taos, New Mexico", Halley's Comet Commemorative Issue, Prestige Publications, NYC, pp 50-51
Exhibition: "Duncan Laurie, Glass Artist" Middlesex School, Concord, MA. One man show with lecture.Exhibition: Heatherfield Art Gallery, 929 Third Ave., NYC, NY.
Group Exhibition: "Visionary Art", Abraham Rattner Memorial Studio, Sag Harbor, LI, NY, with Visionary Productions, NYC, NY
Special Studies: Institute of Orgonomic Research, Qwynedd Valley, PA, Laboratory course reproducing the experiments of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, with Dr. Courtney Baker and other scientists from the Institute.
Exhibition: Visionary Gallery, NYC: "Eidetic Art, Vision & Transformation". Sculpture and carved glass. One man show.Exhibition: Brick Market Gallery, Newport, RI.
Exhibition: St. George's School, Middletown, RI. One man show
Exhibition: Jamestown Public Library, Jamestown, RI.
Special Studies: "Life and Work of Wilhelm Reich", New York University, Semesters I & II,
Article: "A View Towards Functional Art, An Art and Theater Program Developed for Juvenile Delinquents". Originally written as a paper for the magazine, Offshoots of Orgonomy. The paper explores the use of art classes in various media and their role in augmenting the emotional development of a group of high school students in a special education program in a small Pennsylvania town. Written from the point of view of Wilhelm Reich's science of Orgonomy. (unpublished). The project culminated in a grant received by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts to write, develop and produce three video vignettes made by students at Perkiomen Valley Academy, Obelisk, PA in 1980 (link)Book: "The Man Who Started Home and Other Stories", 71 pp (unpublished)
Lecture and Exhibition: NEW YORK Antique Show, 72nd St. Armory, NYC, NY.
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