John Norseen is a man of many identities and talents. He was first brought to my studio by a mutual friend at Lockheed Martin who thought he would enjoy seeing my radionic work with plants and sound. Norseen had the aura of a company VIP in town on quick business.
Norseen is a big white man in his late forties. He was wearing a suit, having just come from a meeting at the Naval War College across the bay. He was braced by crutches from a recent knee operation. As he hobbled around my studio, he spoke cryptically, appearing at one moment absorbed with an inner world. Then suddenly he would be yanked back out, saying things like: “There’s a plant in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden you have to go see…this is VERY important… there is information there you need…” and things like that.
Other comments led me to conclude that he had experience with Remote Viewing (RV). Remote Viewing is a form of (mainly military) intelligence gathering that involves the viewer entering a visionary trance and gathering intelligence of a remote location while outside his body.
Yet for all the strange bluster, Norseen was a very warm and open person. It was all the more peculiar to discover that he was, in fact, a very unusual weapons designer. The weapons he designed involved manipulation of the mind.
Of particular importance to Norseen was the study of Reflexive Control. Reflexive control is a term used to describe a state where someone surrenders volition to a powerful stimulus. Essentially, a series of events or warnings threatens a person’s immediate control. These events commandeer his attention to such an extent they overpower any habitual response, superimposing a new set of commands.
As my studio contained a small museum of radionic and psychotronic devices, Norseen realized that I must have a rudimentary knowledge of reflexive control, as that is precisely how a radionics operator seeks to change the direction of an illness in a patient. Nonetheless, it was highly unusual to be sharing thoughts and ideas about these forbidden technologies with someone from within the defense industry.
After the introduction, we began a tentative email dialogue. To better introduce and explain the nature of what he meant by reflexive control, Norseen related the following incident:
“The other day, I am sitting in the back yard and my daughter yells out, ‘Dad there’s a wasp trying to sting you...’
I looked down at the ground and saw the Shadow of a small bird-like thing darting and zig-zagging around my neck...
I took off running, artificial knee and all....
Duncan…it was the SHADOW on the ground and the TONE in my daughter's voice that made a grown man run like a chicken. I never actually FELT the damn wasp...but a SHADOW and a TONE took over my entire life for ten seconds or so.
Get it? I was a victim of a purely symbolic occurrence! My free will went out the window. I ran in any direction possible to free my self from some MENTAL SEMIOTIC that REFLEXIVELY CONTROLLED my Free Will.”
So, what I have been doing is making a very careful study of Semiotics, so that if the world ever constructs a weapon that can take away free will for ten seconds or a hundred years...well…You and I will be sitting at the Radionics Free Europe synthesizer, dialing in the deconditioning Frequencies...and maybe, just maybe, a DAN RATHER somewhere will finally figure out the game!” (i.e. What's the frequency, Kenneth?)
Thus begins a two year dialogue on all things visionary; of Outlaw Technology that can shape our perceptions and the role of consciousness in engineering, art and design.
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It wasn’t long before I became aware of the fact that John was part of a group of engineers at Lockheed deeply engaged in the study of semiotics. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols through which we all communicate. In particular, Norseen was fascinated by the semiotic structure that connects the verbal and non-verbal sections of the brain. Much art is produced via this structure, and I would suggest alternative healing modalities like radionics operate from there as well.
Communicating with Norseen, however, remained a challenge. I sensed he wasn’t entirely certain about how far he could go in describing his work. As a result, I received a number of highly cryptic emails written in some haste. They contained technical terms I was unfamiliar with, coupled with the visionary rhetoric I had encountered in our first meeting. In this cryptic manner, Norseen was able to broach certain subjects without being entirely clear about what he was saying. It took me close to a year to understand what he was actually talking about.
During that time Norseen managed to visit my studio again. He became more familiar with the problem I was having trying to understand the technology of radionics and discuss it in terms of art. Essentially, I wanted to know if it was possible for a work of art to function energetically. That is to say, was it possible to go beyond the intellectual and emotional attributes of the artwork, its metaphorical nature, to actually move energy or do work in the physical world. Healing, weather modification, crop augmentation, self-protection were among the claims I had encountered among radionic practitioners. Similarly, indigenous peoples, both past and present, claim to accomplish the same tasks through art and ceremony.
![fig_02.jpg fig_02.jpg](/sites/default/files/images/outlaw_technology/fig_02.jpg)
When Norseen first arrived, I had been for some time working to extract signals, in the form of small voltages from plants and minerals. These voltages were converted into pitch shifts, further processed by algorithms and returned to the plants as orchestrated melodies. The premise was, if the plant had the capacity to musically respond to its own signal or those of another source, improvisation might occur. That was exactly what appeared to be happening.
Other experiments we had underway involved listening. We had done extensive research with a type of sound immersion technology that allowed the listener to lie on a bed and have sound surround them from above and below. Many people experiencing these sensations felt they enhanced the image-making faculty of the mind, especially when coupled with radionic tuners. Especially vivid were live broadcasts, such as those produced by our plants and sensors, and the background sounds from space, such as you hear between short-wave stations.
For Norseen, with his knowledge of brain-mapping and semiotics, my studio experiments were a fantastic embellishment of a world of ideas he knew well. I think realizing the possibility that the knowledge he was acquiring for military purposes might also have a significant creative venue was genuinely exciting. It gave him an incentive to open up. He began to take greater efforts at explaining his terms and putting his complex ideas into simple metaphors I could readily digest.
For my part, I was having difficulty verbalizing radionic technology as an art venue. It was also frustrating to see brilliant artists imitating shamanic ceremony, megalithic monument building and other energy-based art forms without really knowing much about how those art forms were designed to technically operate. To me, one answer lay in applying radionic principles to art methodologies, where they had elegantly functioned for millennia.
I wanted to design a modest platform where the experience of using subtle energy to fabricate art was unequivocally self-evident. I had turned to radionics and psychotronics because they were technologies that were made to move energy in the real world, however mysterious and un-scientific the means.
I soon discovered that John’s work in semiotics, brain mapping, bio-fusion, reflexive control and all the other terminology employed in his studies and projects were a goldmine of information for the researcher in subtle energy. I fell into it, hungry for insight and application to my own modest efforts. Still, after all our discussions, it is difficult to know where to begin. Near the end of our dialogue, John passed along these comments:
“Duncan: The following thoughts are the basis for almost everything we have been talking about since we met. Perhaps, if placed at the very start of the Norseen Semiotic, they will put it all into perspective...
1) 50% of the brain is engaged in hand-eye coordination
2) 75% is engaged in ineffable, non-verbal communication
3) 25% in verbal communication
4) There has to be some kind of structure between the verbal and non-verbal parts of the brain, and that structure is semiotics.
5) The first semiotic structure is the “M” sound, of cave reverberation, the OM, of milk, mother, etc. That sound is the basic semiotic structure in the brain. It is related to hand/eye coordination, as the baby reaching for the mother, and it combines the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication.
"Fifty percent of the human brain and central nervous system is engaged in Hand-Eye coordination...just look at a young new born human and see how soon they begin pointing their finger and trying to look at you or some object… making intonations and gestures to get you to respond to their thought patterns…show me that toy! Seventy-five percent of the brain is engaged in nonverbal, ineffable, communications development.
“During a rapid, preparatory onset of neuronal lay down in the ninth month prenatal of hundreds of thousands of neurons per minute in the brain do we slowly at birth and then with a more rapid pace generate the capability to speak language during infancy and childhood. A relatively small area of the brain, the Broca-Wernicke substructures along the left temporal and parietal lobes of the brain, assumes the primary responsibility for so much of our internal and interpersonal dialogues. But the vast majority of our brain is only loosely coupled to such language centers. In fact, of the original 40 or so sound types that we can access in early childhood to learn spoken language, many are lost as we consolidate into our much more limited adult vocabulary. Our many brains in one that we possess are not all equally engaged with our verbal centers. Much of what we think and who we are resides in a dark, ineffable world trying to establish semiotic links from the non-verbal into verbal consciousness.
![fig_04.png fig_04.png](/sites/default/files/images/outlaw_technology/fig_04.png)
“We are indeed driven by a relatively small verbal brain region in many of our endeavors in culture today. But, Art and Science are not both in the verbal region...they are born in the other 75% of the brain, that ineffable, non-verbal universe of thoughts and ideas and images. It is only after some deliberation and considerable thought structuring that we can lay claim to the ideas in the non-verbal world.
“Hence the Norseen Semiotic is not so much about what we can talk about, but about how our Universe becomes acceptable to us as verbal thoughts and words. The Norseen Semiotic is an attempt to provide a structure to how ART and Science can emerge and become known to us, and communicated to others, by linking ideas. One can say that the Norseen Semiotic is the basic alphabet that arises when information flows over brain structure.
“Just as Bernoulli's Equations denote the rules of how air flows over an airfoil structure to produce lift....the NS describes the flow of information over brain structure resulting in Thoughts. To name it is to know it, to know it is to have the power of IT. What is the name of God? The Name is Yahweh!" Hence, in the search for the Norseen Semiotic we encounter the signs and symbols of God and of Nature, and in them discover the origins of ART and SCIENCE in the Mind/Brain."
“I laid out the unique structures of the human brain on a flat x, y grid and was amazed that with all the space available for structures to evolve with maximal, even optimal, energy and mechanical efficiency, I found that three functional groupings bang up next to each other, overlap, and share multiple interleaving physical linkages. This grouping goes way beyond sharing a common rich blood supply, because there would be better locations where each functional sub-topology could be better served with nutrients if they were separated from each other to a much greater extent, as they are in many other brain-based species.
The three areas that intertwine are the Violence, Sex, and Religious substructures of the human brain. And further, they are not smack dab in the middle for maximal protection...they hang out precariously, off-center, not apparently given any natural shielding.
Now Duncan, to me this is very weird from a biological engineering basis.
Either this is a very risky evolutionary event, or it smacks of some form of natural/artificial RE-ENGINEERING.
In either case, the result of Violence, Sex and Religious circuits being this close together is that any signal to one causes related circuits to fire in the others.
I was watching Walking Dinosaurs last night and the narrator says, the 50 ton diplodocus mounts the female. She can bear the weight of her prehistoric suitor because her pelvic bones are fused, enabling her to carry his intentions to continue the species. In the next scene, when attacked by an allosaurus, the male diplodocus rears up on his hind legs and fends off the attack.
Duncan, the same position for mating is the same position for violent defense of the animal. The end result is that successful sex or successful violence enable the species to continue the Prime Directive...the Prime Directive is in essence the religious substrates that interconnect and suffuse the Sex and Violence for what appears to be a teleological effect of creating a situation where the survival of the individual becomes the associated/inherent survival of the species.
Particularly in humans, the Neural Connections are elaborate and immense in number and co-location, and in a position where not only internally generated signals cause them to fire...but they are exceptionally prone to receiving many forms of EXTERNAL signals which get interpreted as being internally derived.
It is exactly this extremely keen sensitivity to both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL signals, from sight, sound, smell, touch, memory, ultrasound, EMF, etc. that causes the human brain to be in essence, a SEX, VIOLENCE, RELIGIOUS Pump.
My DATABASE of Semiotics, Signs and Symbols, when presented by various media to the human brain cause tremendously strong circuits to fire in the Nucleus Accumbens (Sex), Amygdala (Violence), and Anterior Cingulate/right temporal axis (Religion).
Duncan, fire one area, all areas respond. It is surreal.
So even if a person wouldn't do something based on his personality, the key is to reset or disengage the person’s personality (free will), and then repeatedly train either consciously or non-cognitively the person's brain to fire relentlessly such phase lock looped circuits, to the point where you insert a new personality that acts upon the impulses emanating from the SEX/ VIOLENCE /RELIGIOUS circuits. You end up with a SEX offender, a Serial Killer, a Religious Zealot wherein suicide is an option...or any combination the three.
Duncan, somewhere, somehow, the result of culture at large, or highly refined and focused cultural inputs, is turning out just such PERSONALITIES...The Question is, is this just the natural results of Five Billion people on earth interacting with modern information and EM signals...or maybe, just maybe...somewhere, SOME PEOPLE ARE USING TECHNICAL MEANS FOR PSYOP????
In Jenin, there must be specific training camps that are now producing remarkable numbers of FADAI or self-sacrificing suicide teams...much like the BUSHIDO ops of Japan in WWII, and at various times in history...only today, there is a much better understanding and precise insertion set of protocols to flip a person's suicide circuit, or sex circuit or religious circuit....
The Zen of Freud, so to speak.”
Theoretically, according to Norseen, each thought represents an energy dispersion pattern which can be monitored by mixed electromagnetic sensors and described mathematically as a “Brain Print”. This brain-print can be inverted and retransmitted back into the brain much like an encoded memory. Subsequently, the brain will act upon this inverse signal as if it were a real signal from the environment.
![fig_05.png fig_05.png](/sites/default/files/images/outlaw_technology/fig_05.png)
According to the NS, the semiotic is the repository of a specifically charged piece of information. Lab rats will hit a button that discharges a frequency to the brain resulting in sexual stimulation long after their body’s pleasure apparatus has ceased functioning. They will continue rigorously doing so until dead. The rat's brain continues to benefit from the discharging pleasure semiotic. In this illustration, the semiotic is discharging information into the mind/body of the host purely by virtue of a small electromagnetic field impacting a specific region in the brain.
Norseen's point was that if you could trigger that part of the brain remotely, via a transmission of some kind, the receiver would be all but powerless over the transmitted response.
As I was to discover, a central figure in the field of Reflexive Control was the Russian scientist and distinguished member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrej V. Brushlinsky 3. Norseen had visited him not so very long before we met. Subsequently, Brushlinsky was found robbed and murdered. Norseen believes he was killed by foreign agents, seeking the scientific protocols he had developed for a type of weaponized “thought insertion” called steganography, or “Stego Bullets” for short. Some months later I came across the following Pravda report:
“The latest piece of news connected with the investigation of Andrej Brushlinsky’s murder is dated January 31. The Office of the Moscow Public Prosecutor informed that day that the official version of his death was an armed attack, criminal proceedings were instituted on the basis of the murder, and that the criminals also stole documents from the victim. That was all.
“In the meantime, the director of the institute for the psychological precautions against terrorism, Professor Viktor Fersht, released a sensational statement. He said that Brushlinsky did not fall the victim of street robbers. The briefcase contained exclusive documents about the newest, reflexive method of searching for terrorists. The concept was developed at one of the labs of the mentioned institute, and professor Lepsky was in charge of that work.
“Russkaya Linia (Russian Line) news agency reported that Brushlinsky received the documents two hours before he died. He was supposed to present the concept of ‘Psychology and its Supplements’ at a conference. The authors of the unique technology were publicly talking about their ideas.
“As it was said, the point of the new method was the principle that allowed one to find any criminal; various psychological reflections, processed by computers, make for the detection of a terrorist.
“These new methods have already been sent to the Pentagon; a report on the subject was supposed to take place at the Russian-NATO seminar in a month. Professor Fersht wrote, ‘These methods are currently being developed at the Institute for Psychological Precautions together with the Russian Home Ministry.’ Fersht offered to use these methods to find Brushlinsky’s killers.
“Andrey Brushlinsky, 68 years old, was killed on the night of January 31 in the entrance of his building. He has worked at the institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1972. The professor was basically studying the psychology of a person and human thinking.
Sergey Stefanov
Translated by Dmitry Sudakov”
Norseen pointed out that subsequent to the theft of Brushlinsky’s briefcase, a whole new genre of suicide bombers, very atypical of the previous norm, began operating. In addition, certain recognizable features of these techniques became noticeable to him and others familiar with the technology. Similar signatures were also appearing in various media contexts, such as popular songs and doom websites.
The implication was clearly that a command (encrypted as information contained within information), akin to a hypnotic suggestion, can be buried within unrelated visual and auditory information, to be broadcast to the general public. Norseen strongly suggested these techniques were connected to the Columbine murders, as though the killers had been infected from encrypted web sites beforehand, designed intentionally as trial behavior test scenarios.
In an interview by Ryan Moore for 4 on February 24, 2003, Norseen was asked a number of interesting questions about Information Warfare (IW) techniques and their dual use role between Madison Avenue and PSYOP.
“The key word in understanding Perception Management, whether for selling beer or conducting PSYOP is ‘Expectation’. Tons of advertising research dollars swirls down the drain getting commercials right and the audience wrong… You have to either match up the right situations or control the expectation level of the target audience – this holds true for either media or PSYOP management.
![fig_06.png fig_06.png](/sites/default/files/images/outlaw_technology/fig_06.png)
“But imagine if you could actually monitor expectations non-invasively, quietly, garnering sufficient measurement of how ‘Designed Information’ is interacting with the central nervous system of the intended audience. This is what the Science Of Semiotics – signs and symbols – is heading towards, and can be seen today in forms such as ‘Engagement Indices’ and other biometric techniques of audience attention. This would appear to be the logical extension of Neuro-control into marketing and perception management.
Ryan Moore asks: “What do you see as the potential civilian and military applications of ‘Information Injection’ technology?”
Norseen replies: “If ‘Information Injection’ pans out – the concept that human perception is made up of certain invariant electromagnetic, and biochemical, lock and key interactions with brain structure which can be identified, measured and altered by mathematical/technical operations – then the stage is set to observe, capture, rearrange and play-back human mental functions from one person to another, or into any combination of man-machine system interface. The development of such Cortical Emulation Software, if successful, will rapidly usher in the potential for automated personal diaries -- Emotional Recordings, Mental Cameras, and Digital Biographies. Just as we today catalogue millions of people by fingerprints, this strongly suggests the future ability to use Brain-Prints as the key biometric signature identifier in Total Information Awareness.”
![fig_07.png fig_07.png](/sites/default/files/images/outlaw_technology/fig_07.png)
After answering a number of pragmatic questions about the state of Information Warfare today, Norseen was then questioned about the ethics of such research. In response to this question, he said:
“…the full impact of brain research on future military and civilian activities is not well understood in the current National Security domain.
“Right now there is no enforceable bioethics authority to prevent psychological abuses that emanate from cyberspace!
“Consider this: Right now the Hyper-Spectral Region below 100 Hz is wide open – the Wild, Wild West! And all brains on this planet operate in this very important Twilight Zone!”
By implication therefore, anyone harmed by technology impacting them in the area below 100 Hz, where the body conducts all its electrical activity, has no legal or financial recourse from the individual/agency/corporation responsible.